8-months postpartum: wellness starts somewhere

8-months postpartum: wellness starts somewhere

The difference between these two?

One year.

Our bodies change DRASTICALLY when we have babies (DUH) but I have found that the shift within our MINDS can be even more significant.

Just in case you’re anywhere near where I was 3 months ago, don’t YOU DARE settle for “I guess this is just how I am now.” (As in cranky, tired, apathetic, giving up on myself, did I mention irritable?) HIDING behind cozy flannels, behind my exhaustion, behind my excuses was quickly becoming my new MO.

GOODNESS, the shift did NOT happen all at once, but it DID take ONE simple but CLEAR “I need something to CHANGE” moment. That made THE difference for me.

Start with nourishing food.
Or start with empowering workouts.
Or begin with a gratitude journal.

WHEREVER you start, just make sure you begin.

Because, life is too short, a year passes in a flash and the truth is: you DESERVE to feel your best. No matter what.

YOUR BEST might not mean feeling comfy in your favorite shorts or even silly side by sides like this… it might mean chasing after your daughter without feeling breathless. You know what that uh-huh thing is for you. And you have an inkling about how to get there.

And man oh man, if you ever need a friend on this journey, I am right here.💙 Just keep reminding yourself that you are CAPABLE of so•much•more than you give yourself credit for…

5 months postpartum: FORGET diets

5 months postpartum: FORGET diets

If I could tell you about the GAP between these moments – the tears, frustration, sleep deprivation, teething… oh the teething – then it would make a little more sense when I share this:

F*ck diets, hot trends, and OTHER PEOPLE’s side-by-sides (including mine).

YOU need to find what works for YOU.

And (WARNING: tough love comin’ at ya) you need to STICK•to•that•plan.

I struggled for the first 5 months of my little man’s life because I KNEW what worked well for MY body. I knew what I needed, but I told myself that I didn’t have the energy, time, motivation, etc to IMPLEMENT.

Maybe that was true. It sure FELT true.

But the MOMENT I started OWNING my excuses + GIVING a little more to ME, my body AND MY MIND started to shift.

I felt a little less anxious.
I felt energy slowly return.
I felt my moods even out.
I felt stronger.
I felt capable. Finally.
I felt content in my skin. Confident even.
I felt like I get beyond survival mode.
I could think about issues outside our tiny family unit.

But it wasn’t just one walk or one healthy meal or one workout that got me there. It was a very simple, intentional plan that I stuck to… adjusted, stuck to… reassessed, and stayed committed to.

Past me would hate this fact BUT: it’s just not about one A-HA moment. A-HAs are so•freaking•powerful, but they don’t make a sliver of difference if we don’t do something WITH that insight.

So… advice? From one recovering crazy, anxious, sleep-deprived mama to another:
Find what works for you. Move a little more. Eat a lot more mindfully. And stick with it.

If you do THAT you will•see•change. Best case scenario? You’ll see it radiate from the inside-out and you’ll want to share YOUR path with others.

2-months postpartum: honor the journey

2-months postpartum: honor the journey

My sister and I were talking about how frustrating it can be to only see “the end,” particularly “the end” of the postpartum journey.

It’s definitely easier to share the “I MADE IT” moments.

While that can bring others, who are in the thick of the journey, hope, ONLY sharing the finish line can also leave the rest of us feeling alone…. like we’re moving forward at a snails pace… questioning if we’re even moving forward….

Some days I barely know the day of the week, I HOPE I’ll get through my embarrassingly small checklist, and I feel blessed beyond measure to get 30 minutes to myself to MOVE.

Other days are better, BRIGHTER, easier…
*and I have to be careful that I don’t ONLY share the light.

So, this is me today.

Still ON the journey.

Often feeling like I’ve barely begun.

Working my HARDEST to let go of that “not good enough” feeling.

Doing my best to become STRONG over thin, HONEST over surface-y, and KIND with my inner dialogue rather than plain old mean. ((Remember, we’re ALWAYS our first own worst critic.))

Let’s honor our freaking journey this year.

If for no other reason than because THAT is what is real and THAT is what can empower each of us to LIFT one another UP as well as ourselves.

6-weeks postpartum – the new beginning

6-weeks postpartum – the new beginning

Alright, Team NO Judgment if you continue to read. Deal?

I hated being pregnant. Yes, OF COURSE it was worth it – OF COURSE.

But we have the option to own or truth despite the highlight reel on social media and my truth is: growing this sweet peanut drained me mentally, emotionally and physically more than any other phase of life.

So, this isn’t about a “before and after.” It’s about the freaking journey.

40 weeks pregnant vs. 6 weeks post-Max

TODAY I feel squishier and much weaker than I’ve been in a long time (just being real) BUT then I remind myself:

You birthed a (pretty sizable) human being.
You (somehow) feel energized again, despite that little sleep situation.
You ARE strong, just in different ways than before.
You are evolving simply by recommitting to yourself WHILE nurturing your baby.
You get practice compassion with yourself by being consistent with your self-care.
You survived the first six weeks.

I’m one of those crazies who’s excited to start moving again mostly because it makes me SANE and makes me feel empowered to change what’s no longer serving me (like watching all the Gilmore Girl episodes)! So, this is week 1 of the returning to my yoga mat. Week 1 of getting to know my bod again.

Why tell you all this? Well, believe it or not, it’s bigger than the belly & even BIGGER than abs. (Although, I’ll be real: if I happened upon abs, i wouldn’t send them away… I mean, anything to help me lift my milk monster!)

I am committed to sharing my postpartum journey OUT LOUD, no matter how uncomfortable. BECAUSE I’m absolutely positive I’m not the only woman who feels squishing, weaker or a grab bag of other adjectives this time of year (orrr after birthing a human).

It’s important to me to share the FULL journey rather than just the sparkly “after” moments in life.

As far as I’m concerned, friends, we’re all in this life game together, and I’d prefer to travel with folks who aren’t afraid to show their squishy, weak, uncomfortably vulnerable moments as well as their highlight reel.