Delicious Kale Chips Recipe

Delicious Kale Chips Recipe

Crunchy Kale Chips

4-Reasons Kale Chips Benefit Your Mind, Body and the World

Are you a sweet or salty person?

Sweets have always been my kryptonite, so searching for ways to satisfy my sweet tooth without experiencing blood sugar spikes and crashes was my priority.

However, when my hubby and I met in Boulder, we both had grad students’ budgets.

We loved finding happy hours with $2 beers and half-priced appetizers.

Because Boulder is a strange and wonderful place, kale chips happened to be one of the most popular menu items at our favorite restaurant, so we thought… it could be worth a try.

We were floored.

These chips were – dare I say – better than regular potato chips.

But that grad student budget motivated my sweet hubby to do a little research (one of his favorite things) and figure out how we could make these at home.

Here’s what we learned: there’s a right way and a soggy way to prepare kale chips.

I don’t feel this black-and-white about many things, but if you’re going to call something a “chip,” it should taste, look and sound like a chip, right? Right.

After testing all the variables – best oven temp, when to flip, how to slice, etc – I’ve compiled our tried and true recipe for crunchy kale chips below.

Before you start making (and devouring) these chips, help me honor my research-loving, recipe-perfecting husband by humoring me and checking out these “fun” facts about kale:


Kale actually contains a small dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which happen to have positive effects on brain health, lowering the risk of diabetes and helping to work through depression.

Studies have shown that adding a little more natural fat to your favorite kale recipe helps our bodies absorb more of kale’s densely packed vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Think olive oil, avocado, nuts, or seeds.

As you add olive oil to your kale chips, know that you’re doing your body a favor by pairing your kale with the exact ingredient it needs to benefit from  maximal nutrient absorption, not to mention greater levels of satiation.


Speaking of nutrient absorption, it’s remarkable how many nutritional needs you can meet through plants!

One serving of kale delivers over 100% the daily recommended value of Vitamins A, C, and K1.

It has more Vitamin C than an orange, more vitamin A than any other dark leafy green and more absorbable calcium than milk (more on calcium in a moment).

Would it surprise you to hear that inaddition to omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, iron, calcium, carotenoids and phytonutrients, 2 cup of kale also contains 5.8 grams of protein? That’s almost twice as much protein in one tablespoon of almond butter (3.6 grams). 

Not bad for a veggie!

Kale is a low-oxalate food, which enhances its calcium absorption. Oxalates are chemical present in certain plants and animal products that inhibit the absorption of calcium. 

While milk is also low in oxalates, research from Creighton University shows that calcium absorption rates are higher in kale than milk.

If you prepare 3-4 leaves of kale into a salad(or a generous serving of kale chips), you’ll have more calcium in front of you than one cup of milk. (315 grams of clacium in 3.5 cups of kale vs. 310 grams in one cup of milk).

The combination of high levels of Vitamin K1 and elevated absorption rate of calcium make kale chips an excellent food for bone health.

That’s right. Chips = strong bones. You read it here first.

Now, I have to admit that environmental factors aren’t on top of mind when I grocery shop. I’m happy if I can eat a plant at each meal, which tricking my baby into eating something other than breast milk!

My sweet husband has gently taught me the value of choosing seasonal, local foods with minimal environmental impact.

I few things I learned through our journey together involve kale’s heartiness. It can survive through harsh weather conditions, from Minnesota winters to severe droughts, making it suitable to grow almost anywhere.

Farmers may spare their kale plants from pesticides, as kale is unusually resistant to pests. At this point in our farming history, kale has become one of the heartiest organically grown plants in the country.

When purchased in season, kale is far more feasible for a modest budget, while cutting the environmental costs brought on by food transport or pesticides.

In fact, just last weekend, like crazy hoarder people, we bought 15 bunches of kale and collards for $15 at our local farmer’s market. 

Not all of that kale will be used for kale chips, but it goes to show that eating locally can be affordable, when you know where (and when) to look.

We’re certainly not perfect, but we’re working to be mindful about choosing seasonal, local foods that are gentler on the environment. 

The truth is: food tastes better when it’s grown naturally in the season that allows it to thrive. Kale is particularly vibrant late summer and into fall, so this is the perfect time to shop for organic kale at the lowest cost.

Kale chips greatly benefit your mind, body, budget and environment. 
Win. Win. Win… Win.

Now, let’s eat!


1 bunch of kale
2-3T Olive Oil
Himalayan Sea Salt

1. Cut off 2 inches at the ends of the stalk, cut the stalk out of the leaf, and cut the leaves into chip-size pieces

2. Rinse the leaves. (I use a salad spinner.)

3. The KEY to crispy, satisfying kale chips: place clean dish towels on the counter and place kale flat on towels so they may dry completely. You may have to wait 30 minutes or more.

4. Preheat the oven 250F

5. Once dried completely, put kale into a medium mixing bowl and add 2-3T per bunch of kale and a good shake of sea salt (I prefer pink Himalayan sea salt). Use hands toss ingredients together so chips are evenly coated.

6. Place kale onto cookie sheets. One head of kale usually requires 2 cookie sheets.

7. Place the sheets of kale in the oven for 10 minutes. Flip the chips, then switch the cookie sheet positions in the oven and cook for 10 additional minutes.

8. Serve and ENJOY… or just keep ’em to yourself. Either way, remember: win, win, win.

Sign up to receive more delicious recipes, “Pockets of Time” workouts and mindful life-hacks that I only share via email! 

Leg & booty workout – part 1

Leg & booty workout – part 1

This one’s for all the mamas who may not have oodles of motivation or hours of time.

I don’t know about you, but at 26-weeks preggo, I’m was going for strength and endurance over aesthetics.

SIDE NOTE: I’ve got to say, while working out was pretty tough for me mentally and physically at this point, it made me feel a little less anxious about birth and all things baby and I believe that it prepared me for a tricky labor and natural birth. 

Now, just like Part 1 – the Barre Workout for ANY-Body, you definitely do not need to be pregnant to benefit GREATLY from this workout.

In fact, you may have even more fun if you’re not carrying another human being. (wink)

Either way, you’ll definitely want to get your hands on the DOUBLE Workout Cheat Sheet so that you can: 

  • Enhance THIS workout by turning it into a total body workout (I’ll show you all 3 BONUS Exercises) 
  • Dive straight into Part 1 – the BARRE workout
  • Weave in back-relieving and hip-opening stretches
  • Learn how to create your very own workout circuit, no matter how little time you have
  • Track your progress on a beautiful workout chart

Make sure to leave a comment below and share how you made this workout your own!

8-months postpartum: wellness starts somewhere

8-months postpartum: wellness starts somewhere

The difference between these two?

One year.

Our bodies change DRASTICALLY when we have babies (DUH) but I have found that the shift within our MINDS can be even more significant.

Just in case you’re anywhere near where I was 3 months ago, don’t YOU DARE settle for “I guess this is just how I am now.” (As in cranky, tired, apathetic, giving up on myself, did I mention irritable?) HIDING behind cozy flannels, behind my exhaustion, behind my excuses was quickly becoming my new MO.

GOODNESS, the shift did NOT happen all at once, but it DID take ONE simple but CLEAR “I need something to CHANGE” moment. That made THE difference for me.

Start with nourishing food.
Or start with empowering workouts.
Or begin with a gratitude journal.

WHEREVER you start, just make sure you begin.

Because, life is too short, a year passes in a flash and the truth is: you DESERVE to feel your best. No matter what.

YOUR BEST might not mean feeling comfy in your favorite shorts or even silly side by sides like this… it might mean chasing after your daughter without feeling breathless. You know what that uh-huh thing is for you. And you have an inkling about how to get there.

And man oh man, if you ever need a friend on this journey, I am right here.💙 Just keep reminding yourself that you are CAPABLE of so•much•more than you give yourself credit for…

4-steps to transition into a postpartum fitness program

4-steps to transition into a postpartum fitness program

The recovering perfectionist, extremist, yo-yo-queen, in me wants to tell you a secret that you PROBABLY already know in your heart:

The question has NEVER been “will x, y or z work.” I mean… the reality is that any pill, wrap, chemical powder, extreme diet or crazy workout program WILL work. For a little while.

But what I know is that most of us don’t have the time, energy or emotional resilience to ride that roller coaster anymore. We deserve so•much•better. Can we just be DONE putting our bodies through those crashes and disappointments?
D O N E.

And I’ll admit: I was afraid, coming off of the (breast-feeding friendly) cleanse that I did this Spring. I feared that I’d return to my eating-while-standing-with-my-baby-on-my-hip habits, grabbing whatever I could put together with one hand and hoping his extraordinarily long {and freakishly STRONG} arms wouldn’t intercept my next bite.

Rather than letting that FEAR eat at me, I chose to do what I recommend almost every single day:

I found RHYTHM that isn’t necessarily easy {planting my bod on the couch to Netflix & chill #literally #andONLYliterally is easy}.

But what I found IS a RHYTHM that I can SUSTAIN: 

I can MAKE time for a 20-30 minute workout. Daily. With my baby. It’s not easy, but I can do that. (I may have to play catch while lunging to entertain my munchkin, but I can do that.)
I can have food in my house that gives me energy. That makes me feel nourished rather than depleted. That is a long-term win rather than a short-lived pleasure.
I can plug into a community that lifts me up on the bad days and celebrates with me on the better days.
I can feel good. Darn good. In my own skin. As a mom. As a human.

And tell me:

Don’t we all deserve a life filled with movement, nourishment, a little fun and a whole lot of compassion? Even when we’re tired… ESPECIALLY when we’re tired?

Change is possible, when we believe we deserve to feel our very best.

5 months postpartum: FORGET diets

5 months postpartum: FORGET diets

If I could tell you about the GAP between these moments – the tears, frustration, sleep deprivation, teething… oh the teething – then it would make a little more sense when I share this:

F*ck diets, hot trends, and OTHER PEOPLE’s side-by-sides (including mine).

YOU need to find what works for YOU.

And (WARNING: tough love comin’ at ya) you need to STICK•to•that•plan.

I struggled for the first 5 months of my little man’s life because I KNEW what worked well for MY body. I knew what I needed, but I told myself that I didn’t have the energy, time, motivation, etc to IMPLEMENT.

Maybe that was true. It sure FELT true.

But the MOMENT I started OWNING my excuses + GIVING a little more to ME, my body AND MY MIND started to shift.

I felt a little less anxious.
I felt energy slowly return.
I felt my moods even out.
I felt stronger.
I felt capable. Finally.
I felt content in my skin. Confident even.
I felt like I get beyond survival mode.
I could think about issues outside our tiny family unit.

But it wasn’t just one walk or one healthy meal or one workout that got me there. It was a very simple, intentional plan that I stuck to… adjusted, stuck to… reassessed, and stayed committed to.

Past me would hate this fact BUT: it’s just not about one A-HA moment. A-HAs are so•freaking•powerful, but they don’t make a sliver of difference if we don’t do something WITH that insight.

So… advice? From one recovering crazy, anxious, sleep-deprived mama to another:
Find what works for you. Move a little more. Eat a lot more mindfully. And stick with it.

If you do THAT you will•see•change. Best case scenario? You’ll see it radiate from the inside-out and you’ll want to share YOUR path with others.

CAUTION: pregnancy do’s and don’ts

CAUTION: pregnancy do’s and don’ts

I’m curious: how many things have you been cautioned about doing/NOT doing while pregnant… or while parenting… or while simply living your life?

I’m finding that the debates are NUTS about what “should/shouldn’t” be done and what is “wrong/right” for momma and baby.

Clearly, I’m quite new to this scene, but I’ve been shocked at BOTH how fear seems to rule one’s way of life AND how extreme distrust for “the system” forces people to ward off ANY recommendations.

Historically, I’m no better; I’ve struggled with an extremist mind as long as I can remember, but this process {for me} needs to be far more balanced and grounded than the swings of extreme rule-following or extreme rebellion.

Personally, the two ways I find the most peace, freedom AND safety in my decision-making process are through:
• a range of research from a variety of sources
• my own intuition
…and letting go of the fear & reality of judgment

We’re all doing the very best we can for ourselves, our families and our little creatures.

Maybe, just maybe, when we STOP judging others for their choices and START respecting people for honoring their bodies and their families THE BEST WAY that they know how, we’ll be able to share a much more open and compassionate dialogue about how to authentically move through the most thrilling transitions in this miraculous life.